Saturday, October 3, 2015

Push 12 core chips from mediatek rumors see effects of nuclear war on the industry

Recently, there have been rumours that mediatek is working on 10 core and 12-core chip, and this year may even be released. More insiders joked that mediatek not a phone chip, but "nuclear bomb." Mediatek denied the first time, and have concluded that there are no research and development 12 chip plans.

However, regardless of the rumors are true, reflect the mediatek chip core war on mobile phones "ready".

Mediatek is a mobile nuclear war "the originator"

Review domestic smartphone market in recent years, mediatek is regarded as mobile nuclear war "started." And, in a "nuclear war" on the road, more wayward.

From the beginning of the nuclear age, mediatek handset chip core war, have served as a vanguard role. In January 2012, mediatek single-core chips launched MT6575, launched in May of the same year the first dual-core chip then launched a 4-core chip MT6589 MT6577,12 month. At this point, the chips in the multi-core will run out on the road, has launched MT6592, an eight-core, MT6591, representative products such as six-core, MT6588, flagship of the more derived MT6595 and upgrade to 64-bit architecture of the MT6752 and MT6795 chips.

Mediatek to continue to introduce multi-core chips, mainly in their accumulated power optimization technology. Although many MTK chip is not the most powerful, but better products at the same level in terms of power performance, this is mediatek dare to seek a big advantage of multicore chips.

Single-minded pursuit of nuclear war, and copycat image

So, why mediatek so fanatically chased multicore chips? Brand promotion and move upmarket, perseverance and the main reason is mediatek to nuclear war.

As we all know, mediatek started as a fortress, functional machine era, with cheap chips and one-stop "turnkey" solutions, won the feature half of the market. Enter the age of intelligent machines, mediatek is still taking a "low-end surrounded by high-end" strategy, using lower-priced chips quickly occupied the 3G market, this strategy also brings a disadvantage: low end, fake brand is still continuing. And, with the low-end market price continued down, for gross profit margin is very low for mediatek, will face more pressure. Therefore, the chips prepared to March on to the high end of the market.

But under the influence of fortress brand, mediatek supplies chips to Flex in the high-end market. At present, the global flagship models of smartphones almost dominated by Qualcomm. Although mediatek's high-end chip with high throughput in performance comparable to, but under the influence of brand image, but still is used in low-end products by mobile phone manufacturers.

In order to stretch the brand image, break the high-end market, mediatek would be forced to pursue nuclear war path, attempting to break the market and industry again and again anticipated multicore chip, to get the brand value.

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The last couple of years, mediatek's nuclear policy did get some results. The end of 2013, mediatek MT6592 first released the first eight-core chip, causing quite a stir in the industry. But Senior Vice President of Qualcomm Chandrasekher sang the process run contrary to, he said, "you can't put eight lawnmower engine assembled together say it is eight-cylinder Ferrari", and that devotion to the core number is stupid and pointless.

But the eight-core chip mediatek, are favored by many domestic manufacturers, in order to make marketing selling point, have launched an eight-core products, in just one year eight-core fire to the mainstream. Originally considered an eight-core chip high throughput of no real benefit, in the supply chain and on the Terminal market momentum down the underdog. Mediatek has continued to escalate the eight-core chip product line, Qualcomm had to follow up. It can be said that mediatek aggressive nuclear policy to a certain extent, curbed the high throughput and enhance its status as an international brand.

Mediatek "hard" nuclear war, destroyed the industry chain

Although mediatek set off nuclear war to create many opportunities for growth, but also brought adverse effects to the whole industrial chain. Marc Jacobs Note 4 Case

At present domestic mobile phone industry chain has chip manufacturers, parts suppliers, company and brand manufacturers such as which company (some brands make their own programmes) are important brokers of the connection chip manufacturers and brands, company got chip makers chips for brands to develop stable volume production of programmes. But because of the chip manufacturers such as mediatek, frequently launched more advanced chip platform, so many solutions and brands to follow blindly, and eventually get into trouble. Because a chip platform from program development to market and usually take up to several months or even a year's cycle. Some companies and brands a platform on a lot of capital and labour, often products that are just listed, came out of the new platform. This makes them very passive, some small companies run into cash flow, inventory and so on, or even to fail.

Some time ago, a sensation in the industry of Dongguan mobile suicides by factory bosses, perhaps this vicious competition breeds the tragedy. Throughout the past few years China's mobile phone industry chain, has entered recession, a large number of large-scale factory and company closures, industry falls into deep bankruptcy nightmare. Marc Jacobs Galaxy Note 4 case

Mediatek started 12-core nuclear war, technical obstacles insurmountable

However, mediatek launched 12-core chips this year, won't be easy.

First of all, in the mobile phone chip within a limited space by adding so many core feasible? Heat will there be problems? Schema will be how to do? Mobile devices are able to enjoy adequate performance?

Even with the 20nm process design, a 12-core chip will have more transistors. If ever, 12-core chip mediatek is broken into areas where Intel Xeon chips, which belongs to the server processor series, not prepared for the ordinary users by e-mail or a Web page.

Mediatek has the ability to overcome all the technical hurdles, how to take advantage of the chip will become a problem. Because of slow software adoption and optimize 64-bit ARM processors have only just begun to be developed, major operating systems vendors and application developers are unlikely to be immediately accepted the new structure and support.

Finally, power consumption remains the core issue. You know, now still no perfect solution to the eight-core Qualcomm chips 810 heat problem, as a result of delays. According to the latest news, Samsung's latest Galaxy S6 also abandoned Qualcomm 810 processor version because Qualcomm 810 in testing fever is not very ideal. Mediatek have some advantages in low-power, 12-core chips make a big bottleneck, mediatek is still difficult to overcome.

Mediatek waging nuclear war, mixed phone attitude from all walks of life, have followed and supported, there is disdain and criticism. This time, mediatek pioneered 10 nuclear or even 12-core chip, presumably again to the forefront. Mediatek's nuclear warfare strategy, although can effectively enhance its brand image and status, but for the entire mobile phone industry and market has led to adverse competitive environment. Indeed, the 10-core, 12-nuclear energy ran high, can produce enough "eye" marketing selling point, but the experience may not have significantly increased in real terms. Therefore, the mobile phone manufacturers and the consumer should be rational in the face of nuclear war, and return to the nature of user experience and create a healthy environment for the mobile industry.

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